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Trenton, NJ Advance Healthcare Directives Lawyers Helping You Plan for Your Future Healthcare Needs

Whether you’re worried about your health declining or simply like to plan for the unexpected, there are trusted solutions to try if you want peace of mind when you think about your future. One is an advance healthcare directive, a legal document with detailed instructions on how you want your end-of-life healthcare handled.

If you’re unfamiliar with this legal solution and want to know how it can benefit you, come to Bratton Law Group for advice. Our skilled advance healthcare directive lawyers in Trenton, NJ will walk you through the steps of using this option to make decisions about your future medical needs. Contact our Trenton law firm to schedule a consultation with our caring attorneys at your convenience.

What Are Advance Directives?

It may be difficult to imagine a time when you cannot make rational decisions regarding your medical and financial needs, but the truth is that many people will face this situation at some point. This could be due to a severe illness or advanced age. Either way, you could struggle to make sound decisions that you can communicate to others.

It’s important to plan for this by creating advance directives. These documents outline your wishes involving important aspects of your life, such as your health and money. They also let you appoint a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf.

In particular, an advance healthcare directive addresses how you feel about different medical options that may be brought up when you’re in the hospital and unable to communicate. Our lawyers will ensure you know the details to include in your directive, so call our Trenton, NJ law firm for legal guidance.

What Are Some Common Types of Advance Healthcare Directives?

If you’re ready to make an advance healthcare directive, it’s time to decide what kind to create. The two most popular options are a living will and a durable power of attorney for healthcare. You don’t have to choose between these, as many people get both, but knowing what each entails is helpful.

When you use a living will as your advance healthcare directive, you’ll create a document stating where you stand on medical options you might need. It’s especially common to outline when to initiate or avoid specific life-saving measures. For example, your living will should make it clear if you want to be resuscitated if your heart stops beating, ventilated if you stop breathing, and fed by a tube if you cannot eat on your own. It should also state if you want to donate your organs and whether you want to pass away at home or in the hospital.

If your advance directive includes a durable power of attorney for healthcare, this involves choosing someone you trust to make decisions about your health when you can’t communicate your wishes anymore. This is often a spouse, family member, or close friend with whom you feel comfortable discussing your healthcare preferences.

Should You Get an Advance Healthcare Directive?

Many people only start thinking about advance healthcare directives and other estate planning solutions when they are older or diagnosed with a serious medical issue. But the reality is that anyone could suddenly become too ill to make their healthcare wishes clear at the hospital, which means even young, healthy people should have a directive.

If you don’t have an advance healthcare directive and become seriously injured or ill, it will be up to your family members to make medical decisions. This could include your spouse, parents, or adult children. If you don’t have family, the state could appoint a doctor to make healthcare decisions for you. This is not ideal if you have any strong preferences regarding your healthcare, which is why we urge you to contact our Trenton, NJ law offices to set up an advance healthcare directive.

Why Should You Hire Advance Healthcare Directives Lawyers in Trenton, NJ?

Estate planning is important if you want to be prepared for the future, but it’s a complex process that can feel overwhelming for many people. That’s why we’re committed to ensuring you understand all the details, such as what types of advance healthcare directives to create and what to include.

If you’re ready to plan for the day when you can no longer communicate your wishes about your medical care, it’s time to meet with skilled advance healthcare directives lawyers in Trenton, NJ. Our team will guide you toward the solutions that meet your needs so you feel as prepared as possible for anything that comes your way. Call us at 609-362-5692 for a consultation.