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June is Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Awareness Month

Long Term Care Planning

For those who have a loved one struggling with Alzheimer’s or dementia, every day can be a challenge. From trying to provide the best care possible and investigating new treatments to planning for long term needs, dealing with this degenerative brain disorder requires strength and courage.

June is Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain Awareness month, and the goal is to share the experience of living with degenerative brain disorders with others and to raise funds to understand the symptoms of the disease and how it progresses. Alzheimer’s Disease affects cognitive skills like memory, thinking, and judgment. Language, personality, and movement are also affected. The changes in the brain in Alzheimer’s Disease begin years before the onset of symptoms, and this remains one of the most difficult aspects of fighting Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately, there is no cure, and the Mayo Clinic reports those newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s typically survive for another 3-11 years.

Treatments include drugs to help the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. These drugs are used to help with memory and behavioral changes. While these treatments cannot cure Alzheimer’s Disease, they can work to stabilize the symptoms. The Alzheimer’s Association shares one of the common symptoms is also sleep changes, and medication is available to help patients adopt a regular sleep schedule. A typical Alzheimer’s patient may sleep less or at different times, posing a challenge to caregivers.

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The Alzheimer’s Association reports that 47 million adults suffer from this disease, and the number of people who will become victims of Alzheimer’s is steadily increasing. By 2030, approximately 76 million people are expected to develop Alzheimer’s.  There is a critical need to create a national awareness of this disease and during June, this is the goal by providing information to help others become knowledgeable about early warning signs and to raise funds to continue to fight Alzheimer’s so fewer families will have to watch a loved one endure the progressive changes of this devastating disease.

One of the ways the Alzheimer’s Association promotes awareness is through designating purple as the official color of Alzheimer’s movement. Supporting the fight by wearing purple helps others understand why this is a disease worth fighting—the Alzheimer’s Association encourages everyone to “Go Purple with a Purpose.” This is just the start, however. Sharing information to help others understand the early signs of the disease and to encourage the support of ongoing efforts to slow the disease in pursuit of a cure are some of the best methods of getting others involved.

While the campaign, “Going Purple with a Purpose” works to raise awareness of the disease, it is just one step in the process of helping a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease. Consulting with the attorneys and elder care coordinators at Bratton Law Group will provide those families who are affected by Alzheimer’s learn more about long term planning solutions and explore options for a secure future.

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